Chakra candles

The chakra points are special points of the energetic system that have special effects and tasks. The energy of the chakras can be beneficially influenced and harmonised by using special colours, cristals, essential oils. Our chakra candles are coloured and scented to fit the special colour and scent related to the chakra points. Placed on the chakra points the candle's beneficial smoke, its slight vacuum and warmth stimulate the nerve endings. At the same time its bioenergetic effect helps to recover the deformed energetic balance of the body.

The chakra candle can be suggested:
- for holistic therapies
- as a complementary therapy for physical and mental problems
- for naturopathic treatments
- for masseurs and cosmeticians as a complementary treatment


















Chakracandling is a complementary therapy and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If in a doubt about your health please consult your doctor, therapist or pharmacist.